Incense of Music Nr. 53 - Nebbia, Parkins

Incense of Music Nr. 53

Ein multisensorisches Konzert- Freitag, 9. Februar 2023, 20 Uhr

Incense of Music ist zurück mit einem äußerst experimentellen Konzert eines Trios mit Camila Nebbia, Andrea Parkins und einem Überraschungsgast.

Andrea Parkins: elektronisch verarbeitetes Akkordeon, verstärkte Objekte und Laptop-Elektronik.
Camila Nebbia: Tenor Saxophon
Incense: Copal und Wacholder
PANDA Platforma in der Kulturbrauerei,
Knaackstr. 97, 10435 Berlin

Parkins & Nebbia, beide in Berlin lebende Musikerinnen, werden mit einem Überraschungsgast bei einem Konzert mit freier improvisierter Musik auftreten. Ihre Musik, zum ersten Mal live dargeboten, zeichnet sich durch grenzenloses Erforschen und Experimentieren aus.
Düfte appellieren an den am meisten vernachlässigten Sinn der Neuzeit, den Geruchssinn. Sie beeinflussen den menschlichen Geist und eröffnen neue Erfahrungen. Diese Eigenschaften legen nahe, diese alte Kunst, die in jeder Kultur vorhanden ist, mit Musik in einem synästhetischen Projekt zwischen Zuhören und Riechen zu kombinieren.

Andrea Parkins

Born: Pittsburgh, USA Lives: Berlin 

Andrea Parkins is an electroacoustic musician, composer, and sound artist who engages with interactive electronics as compositional/performative process. Working with an array of sonic materials – electronically processed accordion, custom-built software, amplified objects, and electronic feedback – her performances and installations explore connections and slippages between the body, materiality, sound, site, and space.

Parkins’ projects include multi-channel sound performances and intermedia installations, electroacoustic solo and ensemble compositions; and sound for contemporary dance, experimental film and intermedia performance. She performs as a solo artist, and has collaborated with artists such as Ute Wassermann, Magda Mayas, George E. Lewis, Nels Cline, The Necks, choreographer Vera Mantero, and filmmaker Abigail Child, among others. Her performances and installations have been presented at venues such as the Whitney Museum of American Art, Café Oto, The Kitchen, Experimental Intermedia (NYC), Kunsthalle Basel, and Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Strasbourg. Festival appearances have included NEXT/Bratislava, Cyberfest/St. Petersburg, All Ears/Oslo, Jazz im Augusto/Lisbon, Music Unlimited/Wels, and many more.

Parkins’ recent projects include The Stray II, a site-responsive 8-channel spatial audio and visual installation that was featured at Momentum 12/The Nordic Biennale at Galleri F15 in Moss, Norway; her intermedia installation, Sonic Spaces for the Stray, presented in 2021 at ROM for kunst og arkitektur in Oslo; and her performance/installation, Two Rooms, Variation 1, for 40 loudspeakers and Solo Performer, premiered in 2016 at Akousma Festival in Montreal.

Andrea Parkins has been an invited resident artist at Rauschenberg Residency in Captiva, Florida; Elektronmusikstudion (EMS), Stockholm; Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center (NYC); and by Frei und Hanseastadt Hamburg Kulturbehoerde. Her recordings are published by Important Records, Infrequent Seams, Confront Recordings, Atavistic, Henceforth Records and Creative Sources; and she can be heard as a contributor on numerous other labels. In 2022-2023, she is a fellow of the Berliner Förderprogramm Künstlerische Forschung / Berlin Artistic Research Grant Programme.

Recent Press:

“Sounding Objects: Andrea Parkins Interviewed by Lea Bertucci: Expanding Notions of Composition” Bomb Magazine (6 May 2022). parkins-interviewed/

“11+3 Interview with Andrea Parkins.” Digital in Berlin (August 2020,)

Camila Nebbia

Camila Nebbia is a saxophone player, composer, improviser, visual artist, curator and educator debasing hierarchical systems by exploring counterpoints of migrational longing through multiple, but minimally separated, mediums. From Buenos Aires, Argentina, based in Berlin, Germany, the multidisciplinary artist layers her practice through the creation and destruction of archival memory.

Has released as a band leader and solo performer “A veces la luz de lo que existe resplandece solamente a la distancia” (Kuai 2017), “De este lado” (Club del disco 2019), Aura (ears&eyes records 2020),“Corre el río de la memoria” (ramble records 2021) and “Presencias” (Sound Holes 2021) “Una ofrenda a la ausencia” (Relative Pitch Records 2023).

Played and recorded with many artists of the international scene such as Valentin Garvie, El devenir del río, Burka, Paula Shocron, Barbara Togander, Patrick Shiroishi, Paul Pignon, Vinnie Sperrazza, Katt Hernandez, Kenneth Jimenez, Lesley Mok, Violeta García, Axel Filip, Susana Santos Silva, Tom Rainey, Elsa Bergman, l’ Arfi collective of Lyon, Joanna Mattrey, Micheal Formaneck, Vincent Dromowski’s Flow regulator, Sofia Borges, John Hughes, among others.

Co-creator and curator of the collective interdisciplinary group and improvised music series “La Jaula se ha vuelto pájaro y se ha volado”, the interdisciplinary festival “Guillotina Fest'' and creator and curator of the streaming concert series called “The warmth of proximity” and “A door in the mountain”. Runs the concert series and independent label “Disfigured Rivers” based in Berlin.

Participated of many festivals around the world such as Winter Jazz Fest NYC co-presented with M3 (U.S), Buenos Aires Jazz Festival (ARG), Lima Jazz Festival (PE), Diskurs Festival (DE), Ultima Oslo (NO), Saalfelden Jazz Festival (AT), among others, and has assisted to several residencies such as, ART OMI (NYC), SIM (NYC) Jazz & Creative Music dictated by Tyshawn Sorey and Vijay Iyer (CA), Konvent Zero (ES) UNCOOL (CH), Ensemble Evolution (US), CirkusVranen (SE), CCK with Tim Berne, Marilyn Crispell & Ben Goldberg (AR), among others. 

Studied classical saxophone at the Conservatory "Astor Piazzolla", jazz at the "Manuel de Falla" Conservatory, Film Direction at the Universidad Del Cine, and the master degree program “CoPeCo Contemporary Performance and Composition at Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre in Estonia, Royal College of Music in Stockholm in Sweden, National Superior Conservatory of Music Dance of Lyon in France and Hamburg University of Music and Theatre in Germany.  Was part of the second cohort of Mutual Mentorship for Musicians M3 created by Jen Shyu & Sara Serpa 2021, and was a curatorial fellow at the Experimental Sound Studio of Chicago 2022. Camila Nebbia is endorsed by D’Addario Woodwinds.


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